Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tasting Tuesday at SPE!

Halloween at SPE was not all about candy! 
All students were treated with with a super fun tasting of fresh local fruit organized by our Wellness Committee led by Coach Gary Bond.

Parents and faculty chopped and prepped the morning way as students came through the lunch line to learn the taste, smell and touch of two very exotic fruits from overseas that also grow locally in South Florida: Jackfruit and Guava. 

The kids loved passing the spiky green jackfruit around and the sweet smell of ripe guavas. 
"I like like the taste of the jackfruit," said a 1st grader, "it tastes like bubble gum." 

The Wellness Committee would like to thank Aria Seder for organizing the fruit donation, our resident photographer Ely Bistrong for photographing the event and to all of the parents who helped chop and prep the fruit all morning! 

Way to go SPE!